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Helping women track & improve their cycles
Are you ready to start tracking your cycle and need some support? You're in the right place, sister! Cycle tracking, also known as fertility awareness, is a powerful tool that allows women to:
learn how their bodies work, including reproductive and menstrual cycles
improve hormone health and address period problems
avoid pregnancy naturally without the use of hormone contraceptives
boost fertility to optimize chances of getting pregnant
CLICK HERE learn more
A.R., age 24
"Working with Brooke was amazing and empowering! I was nervous about the transition off the pill, but she provided me with so much support. Learning how to track, chart and interpret my cycles has been so rewarding."
C.R, age 29
"If you're looking for a comprehensive deep dive into using the FAMM method of cycle tracking for birth control or to conceive, book an appointment with Brooke. You will get the care and support you need to understand the science of hormones in action in your body."
J.S., age 41
Brooke is passionate, caring, and actively supportive in the learning process. Whether you have struggled with painful periods, missing periods, infertility, or some other challenge around your reproductive health this is a powerful tool that will help you take charge of your health."
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